
antigen presentation中文是什么意思

  • 抗原呈递



  • 例句与用法
  • Grp94 functions as molecular chaperones , which are ( poly ) peptide binding proteins that assist in protein folding , assembly and transport . moreover , its role of the transporter for antigen presentation has been discovered
  • Ifn - y also leads to an increase in mhc class i and ii expression and contributes to efficient antigen presentation to lymphocytes . it has recently been demonstrated that purified mouse dc were also capable of produci
    而ito等口)发现ifn1处理的cdllc “的人单核细胞来源的dc ,其mhc类、 11类分子及cd80 、 cd86和cd83的表达显著增强, il 12的分泌增多,能促进同种t细胞的th应答。
  • As c ii ta is a single gene or protein that affects a large family of genes , it represents an ideal target for intervention in the class ii antigen presentation pathway , for immune suppression in transplantation and autoimmumty
    作为影响一个大基因家族的单个基因或蛋白质, c ta是对mhc -类的抗原提呈过程进行干预的理想靶点,可以在自身免疫损伤和移植排异过程中进行免疫抑制干预。
  • Macrophage is a kind of immune cell as well as accessory cell . it can function as antiinfection , anticancer , immune response and immunoregulation by phagocytosis , antigen presentation , cytokines secretion , lymphocyte activation , reactive oxygen and no production . it ' s an important part of body immune system
    巨噬细胞( macrophage )既是免疫细胞,又是辅佐免疫应答细胞,可通过吞噬、抗原呈递、分泌细胞因子、激活淋巴细胞和产生活性氧、 no等作用而行使抗感染、抗肿瘤、免疫应答和免疫调节作用,是机体免疫系统的重要组成部分。
  • Macrophage is a kind of immune cell as well as accessory cell . it can function as antiinfection , anticancer , immune response and immunoregulation by phagocytosis , antigen presentation , cytokines secretion , lymphocyte activation , reactive oxygen and no production . it ' s an important part of body immune system
    巨噬细胞( macrophage )既是免疫细胞,又是辅佐免疫应答细胞,可通过吞噬、抗原呈递、分泌细胞因子、激活淋巴细胞和产生活性氧、 no等作用而行使抗感染、抗肿瘤、免疫应答和免疫调节作用,是机体免疫系统的重要组成部分。
  • 百科解释
Antigen presentation is a process in the body's immune system by which macrophages, dendritic cells and other cell types capture antigens and then enable their recognition by T-cells.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
antigen presentation的中文翻译,antigen presentation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译antigen presentation,antigen presentation的中文意思,antigen presentation的中文antigen presentation in Chineseantigen presentation的中文antigen presentation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
